
The City College of New York is committed to a policy of equal 雇佣ment and equal access in its educational programs and activities. 多样性, inclusion, and an environment free from discrimination are central to our mission.

It is the policy of City College to recruit, 雇佣, 保留, 促进, and provide benefits to 雇佣ees (including paid and unpaid interns) and to admit and provide services for students without regard to race, color, 信条, 国家的起源, 种族, 祖先, 宗教, 年龄, 性行为(包括怀孕), childbirth and related conditions), 性取向, 性别, 性别认同, 婚姻状况, 合作状态, 残疾, 遗传信息, 外国人, 公民身份, 军事 或者老兵身份, status as a victim of domestic violence/跟踪/sex offenses, 失业状态, or any other legally prohibited basis in accordance with federal, 州和市法律.

It is also City College policy to provide reasonable accommodations when appropriate to individuals with disabilities, individuals observing religious practices, 雇佣ees who have pregnancy or childbirth-related medical conditions, or 雇佣ees who are victims of domestic violence/跟踪/sex offenses.

This Policy also prohibits retaliation for reporting or opposing discrimination, or cooperating with an investigation of a discrimination complaint.

Equal Opportunity and Non- Discrimination

The City College of The City University of New York (CUNY) is committed to providing equal 雇佣ment and educational opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, 宗教, national or ethnic origin, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 变性人, 残疾, genetic predisposition or carrier status, 移民或公民身份, 前科记录, 或婚姻, 军事, 或者老兵身份. It is a violation of this policy for any member of the college community to eng年龄 in discrimination or to retaliate against a member of the community for raising an allegation of discrimination, filing a complaint alleging discrimination, or for participating in any proceeding to determine whether discrimination has occurred.

The college's 平等的机会 policy incorporates, 是适用的, the nondiscrimination and affirmative action obligations set forth in federal, 状态, 当地法律包括, but not limited to: Executive Order 11246, 修订的, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, 修订的, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights of 1964, 修订的, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 修订的, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 修订的, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the Vietnam Era 退伍军人 Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, 修订的, New York State Human Rights Law and the New York City Civil Rights Law, as well as the policies of the City University's Board of Trustees.

As an urban institution in the City of New York that is committed to the concept and values of pluralism and diversity, the college seeks to have its workforce reflect the diversity of its student body, 周边社区, and the representation of qualified individuals available in the labor force. 为此目的, the college's affirmative action 雇佣ment plan (AAP) is designed and implemented with the dual goals of increasing 雇佣ment opportunities for all legally mandated protected groups and assuring the effective realization and utilization of their talents and skills.

Pursuant to law "protected groups" are defined for affirmative action purposes as: Black (non-拉美裔)/African American, 拉美裔, 亚洲或太平洋岛民, and American Indian or Alaskan Native, 女性, special disabled and 越战老兵, and individuals with disabilities. 此外, in accord with the University Chancellor's mandate of 1976, Italian-Americans are also designated an affirmative action protected category within CUNY.

谢丽尔·柯尼斯伯格先生.  skonigsberg@ccny.城市大学.edu  is the College's 首席多元化官 for the Title 504 and Title IX programs. 投诉, comments and/or questions regarding applicable policies, procedures or the college's AAP, or discrimination generally, should be directed to the Office of 多样性 located in 谢泼德大厅, 109 A-D室, 电话:(212)650-6310.


按年计算, the college compiles an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) using data obtained from the CUNYFirst Ethnicity and Gender report on full-time 雇佣ees with annual appointments (excluding substitute and visiting titles).  Below you will find the college's AAP plans:






If you are interested in having a 性别-based violence prevention workshop for your office, 学生团体, department/staff office please contact Sophie English, LCSW在 senglish@ccny.城市大学.edu or (212) 650-8905. If you would like a training on Title IX policy/procedure or 平等的机会 and Non Discrimination Policy contact Sheryl Konigsberg at skonigsberg@ccny.城市大学.edu or (212) 650-6310.

点击 在这里 for upcoming and past workshops/events.

Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Town Hall Series

Join BRESI for a series of three town halls throughout the month of September. The town halls will feature updates from each of the commission’s subcommittees and will include an extended presentation on the findings of one of those committees. Each town hall will feature a live Q&A, during which you will be invited to ask any questions or provide suggestions and ideas regarding the initiative. Your feedback will help inform the commission as they prepare their final recommendations to the Office of the Chancellor. 点击 here to learn more: http://recipes.ruiled.net/academics/current-initiatives/bresi/

Search and Recruitment Process

The affirmative action policies and practices of City College are part of the University's goal to provide equal 雇佣ment opportunity and prevent discrimination. Such policies and practices of City College apply to persons in federally protected groups, 其中包括妇女, 残疾人士, 越战老兵, 黑人, 拉美裔人, 亚洲/太平洋岛民, and American Indian/Alaskan Natives. 除了, the University and City College have designated Italian Americans as a protected group for whom these policies apply [Statutes Enforced by AAO]. 为此目的, the Office continuously reviews policies and procedures pertaining to affirmative action, 平等的机会, 和非歧视的. The Office monitors and advises 搜索 committees on 搜索 and screen procedures; and develops and monitors the College's progress and diligence in pursuing goals set forth in the Affirmative Action Plan. Documents and forms related to the 搜索 process are available at the Office located at 160 Convent Avenue, 谢泼德大厅, 109室或网上. Information on the 搜索 approval process is available at 人力资源 located at 160 Convent Avenue, 谢泼德大厅, 房间50.


Recruitment Plan Approval Form (for Academic Positions)

Recruitment Plan Approval Form (for Non-Academic Positions)



Proposed Interviewees Form



CUNY Search Committee Guide


As part of New York State Education Law 129-b, also called the 够了够了 (“易爱易”), requires that all NYS colleges provide students with ongoing education and training about sexual misconduct, including domestic violence, 约会暴力, 跟踪, 性骚扰, 性别-based harassment and sexual violence.


CUNY has implemented a program called SPARC (Sexual & Interpersonal Violence Prevention And Response Course) to provide students with this training. SPARC is an online training module developed by SUNY in collaboration with CUNY that educates students* about sexual misconduct, 预防方法, and the campus’ response to a complaint. The content has been customized to reflect New York State requirements and CUNY policies.

To access the SPARC course, log onto 黑板上. On the 首页 p年龄, look for My Organizations and the Training course will be listed. If you do not see the course, please contact 学生事务 at studentaffairs@ccny.城市大学.edu .

*NOTE: All incoming students (first-year and transfers) are required to complete SPARC training as are student government members, student leaders and members of other 学生团体s designated by the University and/or College.





p: 212.650.6310
e: skonigsberg@ccny.城市大学.edu
o: 谢泼德大厅- 109A-D

